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PM Modi Inagurates 8th Yoga Event at Mysuru(Karnataka).

Views: 386

International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015 and this year marks the 8th edition of yoga day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the mass Yoga demonstration at Mysuru in Karnataka. On this day, our PM said, Yoga has become a global festival. Over 15 thousand participants were expected to do Yoga along with Prime Minister. Crores of people had participated in International Yoga Day organized in India and the world.

The theme of this year’s International yoga day is “YOGA FOR HUMANITY”.As the international yoga day is falling the year of “AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV” So it had been celebrated in 75 different Iconic places across the country. Several Union Ministers had participated in International Yoga Day at different Iconic places.

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